Development and Implementation of a Refined Model for Comprehensive Characterization and Optimization of Highly Efficient Silicon Solar Cells

Autor: Sachenko, A.V., Kostylyov, V.P., Vlasiuk, V.M., Sokolovskyi, I.O., Perinparajah, G., Shkrebtii / Chkrebiti, A.I.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.4229/eupvsec20212021-2cv.1.19
Popis: 38th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition; 261-264
Crystalline Silicon (c-Si) remains a dominant photovoltaics material in solar cell industry. Currently, scientific and technological advances make possible of producing the c-Si solar cells (SCs) efficiency close to the fundamental limit. Therefore, combining the experimental results with modeling becomes crucial to further improve the efficiency and reducing the photovoltaics systems cost. We carried out the experimental characterization of the highly-efficient textured c-Si SCs and compared the results with the analytical modeling formalism [1] and a preliminary modeling, using the commercial solar cell simulation software [2]. The analytical model accounts for all recombination mechanisms, including nonradiative exciton recombination and recombination in the space-charge region (SCR). To compare the theoretical results with the experiment, we proposed empirical formula for the external quantum efficiency (EQE), which describes its experimental spectral dependence near the absorption edge. The approach used allows a comparative modeling of the short-circuit current and photoconversion efficiency in the textured crystalline silicon solar cells. The theoretical results, both from analytical formalism and computational tools, compared to the experimental measurements, allowed: (i) Validating the formalism developed, which was then used to optimize the key parameters of the SCs, such as the base thickness, doping level and others. (ii) We demonstrated several advantages of the application of our analytical formalism, compared to the computational software tools.
Databáze: OpenAIRE