Terahertz IMPATT Sources Based on Silicon Carbide

Autor: S. J. Mukhopadhyay, Sayan Kanungo, V. Maheshwari, Monojit Mitra
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering ISBN: 9789813344884
Popis: In this paper, detailed study has been explored on Si and SiC(4H) based avalanche transit time (ATT) sources for operation at frequencies under millimeter-wave and terahertz (THz) regimes. Drift–diffusion model has been used here to scrutinize the high frequency features of the device. Also, corresponding avalanche response time (ƬA) as well as transit time (ƬT) has been ascertained to investigate device performance. The simulation studies show that the upward cut-off frequency levels of Si and SiC(4H) double-drift region (DDR) ATTs are 500 GHz and 1.0 THz, respectively. The finding here is that SiC (4H) upon IMPATTs are highly favorable for generation of power with significant efficiency at higher frequencies due to smaller value of avalanche response time.
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