Book Reviews

Autor: David Pace, Arie de Ruijter, Alain Testart, Jérôme Rousseau, Victor T. King, Peter Kloos, B. van Norren, David H. Turner, David S. Moyer, Bruce M. Knauft, J. Miedema, Bernhard Gardi, H.M. Leyten, E. Schlesier, S. Kooijman, Freek Schiphorst, Piet Konings, H. Zevenbergen, Jacques Lizot, Daniel Miller, D. Gerrets, Paul Spencer, Henk Driessen, Raymond C. Kelly, Paul Doornbos, J.-M Péterfalvi, H.W. Bodewitz, B. Bernardi, W.E.A. van Beek, Ákos Östör, C. Baks, A. Appadurai, M.A. van Bakel, B.J. Terwiel, Roland Mischung, Niels Mulder, R.S. Wassing, Sidney M. Mead, Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Maarten van der Wee, J. Terrell, J. van Goor
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land-en Volkenkunde, Vol 143, Iss 1, Pp 159-198 (1987)
ISSN: 0006-2294
Popis: J. van Goor, Rechtzetting. - M.A. van Bakel, A. Appadurai, The social life of things. Commodities in cultural perspective, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1986. XIV + 329 pp. - C. Baks, Ákos Östör, Culture and power; Legend, ritual, bazaar and rebellion in a Bengali society, New Dehli etc.: Sage Publications, 1984, 224 pp., including notes and glossary. - W.E.A. van Beek, B. Bernardi, Age class systems; Social institutions based on age, Cambridge University Press, 1985, 199 pp. - H.W. Bodewitz, J.-M Péterfalvi, Le Mahabharata. Livres I à V. Livres VI à XVIII. Extraits traduits du sanscrit par Jean-Michel Péterfalvi. Commentaires, résumé et glossaire par Madeleine Biardeau, Paris: Flammarion, 1985 and 1986. 381 + 382 pp., M. Biardeau (eds.) - Paul Doornbos, Raymond C. Kelly, The Nuer conquest - The structure and development of an expansionist system, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, 1985, 320 pp. - Henk Driessen, Paul Spencer, Society and the dance: The social anthropology of process and performance, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1985, 224 pp. - D. Gerrets, Daniel Miller, Ideology, power and prehistory, Cambridge: University Press, 1984. 157 pp. numerous figs., Christopher Tilly (eds.) - Peter Kloos, Jacques Lizot, Les Yanomami Centraux, Editions de l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris 1984, 267 pp. - Peter Kloos, Jacques Lizot, Tales of the Yanomami; Daily life in the Venezuelan forest, Cambridge Studies in Social Anthropology no. 55, Cambridge University Press, 1985, 196 pp. - Peter Kloos, H. Zevenbergen, Zwakzinnigen in verschillende culturen, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1986, 109 pp. - Piet Konings, Freek Schiphorst, Macht en Onvermogen: Een studie van de relatie tussen staat en boeren op het Vea-irrigatie project Ghana, Universiteit van Amsterdam, CANSA publikatie nr. 20, 1983, 107 pp. - S. Kooijman, E. Schlesier, Eine ethnographische Sammlung aus Südost-Neuguinea. - H.M. Leyten, Bernhard Gardi, Zaïre masken figuren, Museum für Völkerkunde und Schweizerisches Museum für Volkskunde, Basel, 1986. - J. Miedema, Bruce M. Knauft, Good company and violence: Sorcery and social action in a lowland New Guinea Society, Berkeley, Los Angeles/London: University of California Press, 1985, X + 474 pp. - David S. Moyer, David H. Turner, Life before genesis, a conclusion: An understanding of the significance of Australian aboriginal culture, Toronto Studies in religion volume 1, Peter Lang, New York, 1983, vii + 181 pp. - B. van Norren, Peter Kloos, Onderzoekers onderzocht; Ethische dilemma’s in antropologisch veldwerk, DSWO Press, Leiden, 1984. - Jérôme Rousseau, Victor T. King, The Maloh of West Kalimantan. An ethnographic study of social inequality and social change among an Indonesian Borneo people, Dordrecht-Holland/Cinnaminson-U.S.A.: Foris Publications, Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde no. 108, 1985. viii + 252 pp., maps, diagrams, plates, glossary. - Jérôme Rousseau, Alain Testart, Le communisme primitif, I. Economie et idéologie, Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 1985, 549 pp. - Arie de Ruijter, David Pace, Claude Lévi-Strauss. The bearer of ashes, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul (Ark Paperbacks), 1986. - B.J. Terwiel, Roland Mischung, Religion und Wirklichkeitsvorstellungen in einem Karen-Dorf Nordwest-Thailands, Weisbaden: Franza Steiner Verlag, 1984. - B.J. Terwiel, Niels Mulder, Everyday life in Thailand; An interpretation, Second, Revised edition, Bangkok: Duang Kamol, 1985. 227 pages, paperback. - R.S. Wassing, Sidney M. Mead, Art and artists of Oceania, The Dunmore Press, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 1983. 308 pp., drawings, black and white illustrations., Bernie Kernot (eds.) - Harriet T. Zurndorfer, Maarten van der Wee, Aziatische Produktiewijze en Mughal India, Ph.D thesis, Katholieke Universiteit, Nijmegen, 1985. xv + 399 pp. - M.A. van Bakel, J. Terrell, Prehistory in the Pacific Islands. A study of variation in language, customs and human biology, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1986, XVI + 299 pp.
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