Avrupa Borç Krizi Çerçevesinde Cesareti Kırılmış İşçi Etkisi ve İlave-İşçi Etkisi1

Autor: Armağan TÜRK, Rengin AK
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol 18, Iss 1, Pp 522-534 (2019)
ISSN: 2149-5459
Popis: The debt crisis experienced in Europe has had several adverse effects on economies of countries. Employment is one of the adversely affected areas. The relationship between the labor force participation rate and unemployment is essentially examined within the framework of two hypotheses. These hypotheses are “The Discouraged Worker Effect” and “The Added Worker Effect”. The discouraged worker effect anticipates that workers looking for employment for extended periods of time will withdraw from the labor market due to losing hope in periods of economic recession. According to this hypothesis, it is expected that the labor force participation rate will increase once the unemployment rate decreases and vice versa. The added worker effect anticipates that if the worker who provides the livelihood of the family becomes unemployed, other members of the family will participate in the labor market. According to this hypothesis, it is expected that the labor force participation rate will decrease once the unemployment rate decreases and vice versa. This study aims to test whether these two effects apply to selected Euro zone countries (PIIGGS-Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Great Britain, Spain) during the European Debt Crisis. In the study, the unemployment rate and labor force participation rates of the selected countries were determined by using the Break Point Unit Root test. In the calculations made with the help of dummy variable models, the effect of discouraged worker was observed in Ireland, Great Britain and Portugal. The added worker effect is clearly seen in Greece. In Italy and Spain, added worker effect is more dominant than discouraged worker effect. The added worker effect is statistically significant in Portugal, Ireland, Greece and the Great Britain when it is calculated for part-time female employees. In Italy, there is no statistically significant relationship between part-time female workers and long-term unemployment. In Spain, added worker effect was found to be opposite and statistically significant. In other words, there is no added worker effect on part-time female workers and longterm unemployment data in Spain.
Databáze: OpenAIRE