Incorporation of leaf nitrogen observations for biochemical and environmental modeling of photosynthesis and evapotranspiration

Autor: Bøgh, E., Birgitte Gjettermann, Per Abrahamsen, Søren Hansen, Jensen, N. H., Schelde, K., Søegaaard, H., Thomsen, A.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Boegh, E, Gjetterman, B, Abrahamsen, P, Hansen, S, Jensen, N, Schelde, K, Soegaard, H & Thomsen, A 2007, ' Incorporation of leaf nitrogen observations for biochemical and environmental modeling of photosynthesis and evapotranspiration ', Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl, vol. 88, no. 52, pp. B31B-0322 . < >
Bøgh, E, Gjettermann, B, Abrahamsen, P, Hansen, S, Jensen, N H, Schelde, K, Søegaaard, H & Thomsen, A 2007, ' Incorporation of leaf nitrogen observations for biochemical and environmental modeling of photosynthesis and evapotranspiration ', AGU Fall Meeting, San Fransisco, United States, 10/12/2007-14/12/2007 .
University of Copenhagen
Popis: impact on CO2 sequestration processes complicates the modeling of carbon cycle feedbacks to climate change. The use of remote sensing constitutes a valuable data source to quantify and investigate impacts of bulk leaf N contents, however information on the vertical leaf N distribution and its relation to photosynthetic (Rubisco) capacity should also be known to quantify leaf N impacts on canopy photosynthesis. In this study, impacts of the amount and vertical distribution of leaf N contents on canopy photosynthesis were investigated by combining field measurements and photosynthesis modelling. While most canopy photosynthesis models assume an exponential vertical profile of leaf N contents in the canopy, the field measurements showed that well-fertilized fields may have a uniform or exponential profile, and senescent canopies have reduced levels of N contents in upper leaves. The sensitivity of simulated canopy photosynthesis to the different (observed) N profiles was examined using a multi-layer sun/shade biochemically based photosynthesis model and found to be important; ie. for a well-fertilized barley field, the use of exponential instead of uniform vertical N profiles increased the annual assimilate by 12 percent. Perspectives for remote sensing based
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