Sulfide-, fluorite-, barite-bearing siliceous 'crusts' related to unconformity surfaces of different ages in Pyrenees and Alps: a new model in carbonate-hosted deposits?

Autor: Rodeghiero, F., Fanlo, I., Subias, I., Yuste, A., Fernandez-Nieto, C., Brigo, L.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1995
Zdroj: Acta Geologica Hispanica; Vol.: 30 Núm.: 4; 69-81
RCUB. Revistas Científicas de la Universidad de Barcelona
Acta geológica hispánica; 1995: Vol.: 30 Núm.: 4; p. 69-81
ISSN: 0567-7505
Popis: Wumerous stratabound sulfide-, barite-, fluonte-bearing siliceous crusts, from dm to some tens of in thick, occur over large areas of the Alpine belt, ;.e. the Alps and the Pyrenees. They are linked to unconformlty landscapes evolved on various carbonate units of Paieozoic and Triassic sedimentq sequences. Since the study mineralizations constitute the transition between the underlying carbonates and the overlying detrital units, they can be considered as an independent lithostratigraphic units that record a particular metalogenetic process not only in the alpine chains but worldwide. These mineralizations exhibit several morphologies: tabular concordant with the unconfonnities bodies, columnar bodies, karstic cavity-fillings, laminites and veins. In addition, the study deposits are clearly affected by remobilization process occuned during diagenesis or metamorphism. Such processes are responsible for masking the occunence of the breccia/conglomerate typically located at the base of the orebodies.Although the study mineralizations have usually been included in MVT deposit class, constrastirig differences between their diagnostic features and those of MVT mineralizations, suggest that the inclusion of the mineralized crust deposits in the MVT group seem incorrect.These peculiar ore-bearing quartz-crusts, persistent over large areas and showing an independent and distinct character and constituting an important marker for some sedimentary sequences of different ages in Alpine belts, allow the authors to define a new metallogenic model named as "crust-type" (CT) deposits. Comparable mineralization in other geotectonic environments outside Alpine belts point out to CT deposits being a worldwide significant metallogenic event.
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