Autor: Odžak, Ana
Přispěvatelé: Hren, Darko
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati iskustva roditelja o ulozi pasa u socio-emocionalnom razvoju djece osnovnoškolske dobi. Pod socio-emocionalni razvoj spadaju sve karakteristike djeteta od njegove ličnosti i karaktera pa do društvenih sposobnosti (samopouzdanje, odgovornost, samopoimanje, društvena mreža i empatija su same neke od tih karakteristika). Uvjet za sudjelovanje u istraživanju bilo je posjedovanje psa kao kućnog ljubimca u razdoblju dok je dijete pohađalo osnovnu školu. U prvom dijelu rada prikazan je teorijski pregled razvoja veze između čovjeka i kućnog ljubimca te utjecaj te povezanosti na socio-emocionalni razvoj. Ujedno je prikazan i pregled metodologije kvalitativnog istraživanja. U drugom dijelu rada prikazana je analiza rezultata istraživanja u kojem se pomoću polu-strukturiranih intervjua nastojalo detaljnije saznati o odnosu djece s psima te o tome što roditelji misle koja je uloga tog odnosa u socio-emocionalnom razvoju njihove djece. Provedeno je dvanaest polu-strukturiranih intervjua te su dobiveni podaci analizirani metodom tematske analize. Analizom je utvrđeno kako su djeca razvila poseban odnos s psima čija je uloga vidljiva u svim aspektima socio-emocionalnog razvoja, a ponajviše u razvoju brige o drugima i empatije. Osim toga pokazalo se kako djeca doživljavaju psa kao veliku socijalnu podršku u raznim situacijama, a posebno u teškim i stresnim trenutcima. Pas se pokazao važnim dijelom socijalne mreže djece osnovnoškolske dobi.
The aim of this study was to examine parents' experiences of the role of dogs in the socio-emotional development of primary and secondary school children. Socio-emotional development includes all the characteristics of a child from his personality and character to social abilities (self-confidence, responsibility, self-perception, social network and empathy are just some of these characteristics). The condition for participation in the research was the possession of a dog as a pet during the period when the child was attending primary or secondary school. The first part of the paper presents a theoretical overview of the development of the relationship between humans and pets and the impact of this relationship on socio-emotional development. At the same time, an overview of the methodology of qualitative research is presented. The second part of the paper presents an analysis of research results in which semi-structured interviews sought to learn more about the relationship of children with dogs and what parents think is the role of this relationship in the socio-emotional development of their children. Twelve semi-structured interviews were conducted, and the obtained data were analyzed by the method of thematic analysis. The analysis found that children developed a special relationship with dogs whose role is visible in all aspects of socio-emotional development, and most of all in the development of caring for others and empathy. Also, children have been shown to experience the dog as a great social support in a variety of situations, especially in difficult and stressful times. The dog has proven to be an important part of the social network of primary and secondary school children.
Databáze: OpenAIRE