Streaming platforms determine the revenue of the global music industry

Autor: Joško Lozić, Katerina Fotova Čiković, Damira Keček
Přispěvatelé: Tipurić, Darko, Krajnović, Ana, Recker, Nicholas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Katerina Fotova Čiković
Popis: The aim - of this paper is to determine the fundamental changes in the structure and trends of revenues of the global media industry and to determine the basic directions of development. Methodology / design - Research and analysis of results are based on financial analysis of revenues of the global music industry in the last fifteen years, analysis of changes in revenue structure, and regression analysis of trend testing in the ANOVA model. The research uses reports from agencies specializing in the global music industry, scientific literature related to the music industry, and other relevant sources. The results - research results have proven significant changes in the revenue structure of the global music industry. Due to the change in consumer behaviour, revenue from streaming has become the dominant part of revenue. Conclusion - The music industry has completely changed its revenue generation model. The core revenues of the global music industry follow modern trends. While the old music industry generated revenue from the sale of physical sound carriers, the modern music industry generates most of its revenue from streaming and performance right.
Databáze: OpenAIRE