Russian poetry of the Second World War on the example of Boris Mihajlovič Borin (Blanter)

Autor: Šimić, Lucija
Přispěvatelé: Pavlović, Cvijeta
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Ruska je poezija druge polovice 20. stoljeća bila donekle odvojena od strujanja svjetske književnosti. Uzrok tome su bili cenzura književnosti koju je provodila vlast Sovjetskog saveza i utjecaj ratnih događanja na pjesnike. U ruskoj je književnosti vladao socijalistički realizam, umjetnička metoda koju je definiralo Društvo književnika SSSR-a. Socijalistički realizam ili socrealizam podrazumijevao je odricanje od modernizma i avangarde i svih njihovih strujanja. Ruska poezija Drugoga svjetskog rata se dijeli na poeziju ratnih godina, prvo poslijeratno desetljeće, razdoblje odjuge, razdoblje zastoja, te književnost novog vala i trećeg vala ruske emigracije. Zbog oštre cenzure, književnici su sami tiskali i tajno rasprostranjivali svoje radove, a tako izdano djelo se nazivalo samizdatom. Ako se djelo tiskalo i tajno rasprostranjivalo izvan granica Sovjetskog saveza, nazivaju ga tamizdatom. Navedena razdoblja je obilježila tema rata u poeziji. Za ratno i poslijeratno razdoblje ruske poezije važno je spomenuti razvoj poeme kao vrste. Neke od drugih bitnih pojava su generacija šezdesetaša, poezija pjesnika veterana, poetski procvat u razdoblju odjuge i stagnacija u razdoblju zastoja, razvoj tihe i estradne lirike, te pojava autorske pjesme koja se rasprostranjivala na magnetofonskim zapisima – magnitizdatima. Kao ogledni primjer pjesnika druge polovice dvadesetog stoljeća je uzet Boris Mihajlovič Borin, pjesnik veteran koji je dobrovoljno otišao u rat. Tema rata zauzima značajno mjesto u njegovu stvaralaštvu, kako u prozi, tako i u poeziji. U radu je navedena, prepjevana i analizirana njegova pjesma Živi glasovi. The Russian poetry of the second half of the 20th century was somewhat separated from the world literature at the time. The reason for that was the censorship of literature conducted by the Soviet Union and the influence of the recent war events on poets. Russian literature was dominated by socialist realism, the art method defined by the Society of the Writers of the USSR. Socialist realism, or socrealism, implied a renunciation of modernism and avant-garde and all their art movements. The Russian poetry of the Second World War can be divided into following periods: the poetry of the war years, the first postwar decade, the period of thaw, the period of downtime, and the literature of the new wave and the third wave of Russian emigration. Because of the severe censorship, the writers themselves printed and secretly spread their work, and that kind of literary work was called samizdat. If the work is printed and secretly spread outside the borders of the Soviet Union, it is called tamizdat. Mentioned periods were marked by the theme of war in poetry. For the war and post-war period of Russian poetry is important to mention the development of narrative poetry. Some of the other important phenomena of that time are the generation of the sixties, poetry of poet veterans, flourishing of poetry in the period of thaw, stagnation in the period of downtime, the development of silent and extravagant (loud) lyricism, and the emergence of authors poems spreading on magnitudo records – magnitizdats. a A veteran poet who voluntarily left for war, Boris Mihajlovic Borin, was taken as an exemplary example for the poetry of the second half of the twentieth century. The theme of war has an important place in his creative work, both in prose and in poetry. In this graduation thesis is quoted his song Live voices, along with the adaptation, and the analysis of both the adaptation and the poem.
Databáze: OpenAIRE