Social rank of pregnant sows affects their body weight gain and behavior and performance of the offspring

Autor: Kranendonk, G., van der Mheen, H., Fillerup, M., Hopster, H.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2007
Zdroj: Journal of Animal Science 85 (2007)
Journal of Animal Science, 85, 420-429
ISSN: 0021-8812
Popis: Previous studies on group housing of pregnant sows have mainly focused on reproduction, but we hypothesized that the social rank of pregnant sows housed in groups could also affect birth weight, growth, and behavior of their offspring. Therefore, in the present study, pregnant gilts and sows were housed in 15 different groups (n = 7 to 14 animals per group) from 4 d after AI until 1 wk before the expected farrowing date. All groups were fed by an electronically controlled sow feeding system that registered, on a 24-h basis, the time of first visit, number of feeding and nonfeeding visits, and number of times succeeding another sow within 2 s. Only in the first 6 groups (n = 57 animals), agonistic interactions were observed continuously. The percentage of agonistic interactions won was highly correlated (rs = 0.90, P 50% (n = 62) and low-social ranking (LSR) sows a DS
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