Screening for HIV-associated peripheral neuropathy in resource-limited settings

Autor: Cettomai, D, Kwasa, JK, Birbeck, GL, Price, RW, Cohen, CR, Bukusi, EA, Kendi, C, Meyer, ACL
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Muscle & nerve, vol 48, iss 4
Cettomai, D; Kwasa, JK; Birbeck, GL; Price, RW; Cohen, CR; Bukusi, EA; et al.(2013). Screening for HIV-associated peripheral neuropathy in resource-limited settings. Muscle and Nerve, 48(4), 516-524. doi: 10.1002/mus.23795. UC San Francisco: Retrieved from:
Popis: Introduction: Peripheral neuropathy is the most common neurological complication of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection but is widely under-diagnosed in resource-limited settings. We investigated the utility of screening tools administered by nonphysician healthcare workers (HCW) and quantitative sensory testing (QST) administered by trained individuals for identification of moderate/severe neuropathy. Methods: We enrolled 240 HIV-infected outpatients using 2-stage cluster randomized sampling. HCWs administered the several screening tools. Trained study staff performed QST. Tools were validated against a clinical diagnosis of neuropathy. Results: Participants were 65% women, mean age 36.4 years, median CD4 324 cells/μL. A total of 65% were taking antiretrovirals, and 18% had moderate/severe neuropathy. The screening tests were 76% sensitive in diagnosing moderate/severe neuropathy with negative predictive values of 84-92%. QST was less sensitive but more specific. Conclusions: Screening tests administered by HCW have excellent negative predictive values and are promising tools for scale-up in resource-limited settings. QST shows promise for research use. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
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