Razvoj presadnica kupusa i kelja pod utjecajem tretmana Rivergreen-om®

Autor: Tomislav Vinković, Monika Tkalec Kojić, Dejan Bošnjak, Miro Stošić, Boris Ravnjak, Mateja Blažević, Mateja Pavlović
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Glasnik Zaštite Bilja
Volume 43.
Issue 6.
ISSN: 0350-9664
DOI: 10.31727/gzb.43.6.6
Popis: U ovom istraživanju je utvrđen utjecaj tretmana Rivergreen-om® na rast i razvoj presadnica kupusa i kelja u kontroliranim uvjetima. Rivergreen® je prirodni mineralni pripravak za poboljšanje rasta, uroda biljaka te njihovu zaštitu. Ekološki pripravak Rivergreen® je nastao mljevenjem i tribomehaničkom aktivacijom sedimenta kamena iz rijeke Drave. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom 2018. godine u laboratoriju za povrćarstvo, cvjećarstvo i ljekovito bilje na Fakultetu agrobiotehničkih znanosti Osijek. U istraživanju su korištene po dvije sorte kupusa ('Varaždinski' i 'Bijeli futoški') i kelja ('Kapucinski' i 'Željezna glava'). Sjeme navedenih vrsta je posijano u polistirenske plitice napunjene čistim supstratom i supstratom s dodatkom Rivergreen-a®. Također, Rivergreen® je primijenjen i zalijevanjem presadnica s vodenom otopinom u koncentraciji 0,25 %. Nakon obrade podataka, utvrđen je statistički značajan utjecaj tretmana Rivergreenom ® na pojedine parametre rasta i razvoja presadnica kod ispitivanih sorti kupusa i kelja. Kod obje ispitivane sorte kupusa ('Varaždinski' i 'Bijeli futoški') utvrđeno je značajno povećanje suhe i svježe mase nadzemnog dijela presadnica tretiranih Rivergreen-om® u usporedbi s kontrolnim presadnicama. Također, kod sorte kupusa 'Varaždinski' te kelja 'Kapucinski' uočeno je značajno povećanje dužine listova kod tretiranih biljaka. Tretman Rivergreen-om® utjecao je i na povećanje broja listova kod sorte kupusa 'Bijeli futoški' te kod sorte kelja 'Kapucinski', dok tretman nije imao utjecaj na širinu listova niti kod jedne ispitivane vrste. Temeljem rezultata ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti da pripravak Rivergreen® značajno utječe na rast i razvoj presadnica kupusa i kelja te poboljšava njihov rast i razvoj, ali je odgovor biljke na primjenu tretmana uvjetovan vrstom i sortom te su potrebna daljnja istraživanja kako bi se učinak Rivergreen-a® potvrdio kod drugih vrsta i u drugim uvjetima.
In this study the influence of the Rivergreen® treatment on the growth and development of the cabbage and kale seedlings in controlled conditions is determined. Rivergreen® is a natural mineral formulation for the enhancement of plants’ growth and crop, and their protection. The ecological formulation Rivergreen® is produced by grinding and tribomechanical activation of the rock sediment from the river Drava. The research was conducted in the course of the year 2018. in the laboratory for vegetable growing, floriculture and medicinal plants at the Faculty of Agrobiotechnical Sciences Osijek. Two varieties of cabbage (“Varaždinski” and “Bijeli futoški”) and kale (“Kapucinski” and “Željezna glava”) were used in the research. The seed of the before mentioned varieties was sowed in the polystyrene plates filled with the pure substrate and the substrate with added Rivergreen®. Rivergreen® was also applied by watering the seedlings with the aqueous solution with 0,25% concentration. After the data processing, a statistically significant influence of the Rivergreen® treatment was determined on the individual parameters of growth and development of the seedlings of the tested varieties of cabbage and kale. With both tested varieties of cabbage (“Varaždinski” and “Bijeli futoški”) a significant increase of the dry and fresh masses of the overground part of seedlings treated with Rivergreen® was determined, compared to control seedlings. Also, with the cabbage variety “Varaždinski” and the kale variety “Kapucinski” a significant increase in the leaves’ length was determined in treated plants. The Rivergreen® treatment also influenced the increase of the number of leaves in the cabbage variety “Bijeli futoški” and the kale variety “Kapucinski”, while the treatment did not influence the width of leaves in any of the tested varieties. Based on the results of this research it can be concluded that the Rivergreen® treatment significantly influences the growth and development of the cabbage and kale seedlings and enhances their growth and development, but the plant’s response to the applied treatment depends on the species and the variety, and so further research is needed so to verify the Rivergreen®’s effect on other species and in other conditions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE