Preparing for ethical judgment in techno-anthropology, techno-science and engineering

Autor: Børsen, Tom
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Børsen, T 2014, ' Preparing for ethical judgment in techno-anthropology, techno-science and engineering ', Forskningsseminar om Etiske modeller i projektarbejde inden for TEK, NAT og SUND, København, Denmark, 27/05/2014 .
Børsen, T 2013, ' Preparing for Ethical Judgment in Techno-Anthropology, Techno-Science and Engineering ', Paper presented at 41st SEFI Conference 2013, Leuven, Belgium, 16/09/2013-20/09/2013 .
Børsen, T 2013, Preparing for Ethical Judgment in Techno-Anthropology, Techno-Science and Engineering . in Proceedings from the 41th SEFI Conference, 16-20 September 2013, Leuven, Belgium . European Society for Engineering Education, The 41th Conference of the International-Group for the European Society for Engineering Education, Leuven, Belgium, 16/09/2013 .
Popis: The author has suggested a tool to identify ethical dilemmas and to carry out ethical judgment regarding new and emergent technologies. The tool highlights the following items: • Problematize explicitly formulated intentions by asking • If they are ethical, ideological, or not likely to materialise? • Can the technology be misused for unethical purposes (dual use)? • Procedures for ethical decision-making/conduct • Is individuals' autonomy, dignity or authenticity violated? • What processes for ethical decision-making has been followed? • What are the expected consequences? • Are they beneficial or socially just? • Are they short term or long term? Are they certain or uncertain? • What are the potential long term cultural or biological effects? This analytical framework must be balanced by a number of cases. The author would like to suggest that the presented analytical framework can be used in all science and engineering programs if it is complemented by a number cases obtained from the specific discipline in which it is embedded.
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