Autor: |
Majdandžić, David |
Přispěvatelé: |
Rudec, Tomislav, Baumgartner, Alfonzo |
Jazyk: |
chorvatština |
Rok vydání: |
2022 |
Předmět: |
Popis: |
Brzi heuristički algoritam za rješavanje zagonetke neboderi u programskom jeziku Java Ovaj rad detaljno opisuje algoritam za rješavanje logičke puzle Neboderi te njegovu implementaciju u programskom jeziku Java te performanse iste implementacije. Rad također prolazi kroz pravila i generalnu strukturu logičke puzle te opisuje proceduru rješavanja iste od strane ljudskog i računalnog igrača. Metoda rješavanja te i sam algoritam su podijeljeni na nekoliko koraka ili faza od kojih je svaka više kompleksna od prethodne i sve detaljno opisane. Također je predočen i komentiran doprinos brzini rješavanja od strane svake faze algoritma. Za generiranje ploča igre korišten je generator koji se nalazi u literaturi [1]. Program podržava integraciju s danim web servisom te je vrlo lako moguće izvršiti algoritam za bilo koju ploču generiranu od strane servisa. Fast heuristic algortihm for solving the Skyscrapers puzzle implemeneted in programming language Java This paper describes in detail the algortihm for solving the logic puzzle Skyscrapers and it's implementation in the programming language Java as well as the algorithm implementation's performance. The paper also goes over the rules and basic structure of the logic puzzle and describes a basic procedure of solving one from the point of a human and a computer player. The method of solving the puzzle as well as the algorithm itself is divided into a few steps or phases each of which each is more complex than the previous and all are described in detail. The impact on solution speed is also detailed for each phase of the algortihm. For board generation the generator found in literature is used [1]. The program supports integration with the web service so it is possible and very easy to run the algorithm for every board generated by the service. |
Databáze: |
OpenAIRE |
Externí odkaz: |