Flora of the wider area of Marinci village in Hrvatsko zagorje

Autor: Martinko, Marija
Přispěvatelé: Šoštarić, Renata
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2009
Popis: Tijekom vegetacijske sezone 2007. i 2008. istraživana je flora šireg područja sela Marinci u Hrvatskom zagorju. Pronađene su ukupno 293 svojte vaskularnih biljaka. Analizom flornih elemenata utvrđena je prisutnost deset glavnih skupina flornih elemenata: euroazijski florni element (34,83%), široko rasprostranjene biljke (25,17%), europski florni element (11,03%), kultivirane i adventivne biljke (7,93%), južnoeuropski florni element (7,59%), cirkumholarktički florni element (6,55%), srednjoeuropski florni element (3,79%), istočnoeuropsko-pontski florni element (1,03%), jugoistočnoeuropski florni element (1,03%) i mediteranski florni element (1,03%). Prema sastavu flornih elemenata ovo područje pripada nižem šumskom pojasu ilirske provincije eurosibirskosjevernoameričke regije holarktisa. Analizom životnih oblika utvrđeno je najviše hemikriptofita (52,05%), zatim slijede terofiti (16,10%), geofiti (13,70%), fanerofiti (10,96%), nanofanerofiti (4,11%), hamefiti (2,74%) i hidrofiti (0,34%). Dobiveni rezultati potvrđuju pripadnost pojasu umjereno tople humidne klime. Analizom ugroženih svojti utvrđene su dvije osjetljive svojte (VU), dvije gotovo ugrožene svojte (NT) i tri svojte sa statusom najmanje zabrinjavajućih (LC). Analizom alohtonih svojti utvrđeno je 5 arheofita i 10 neofita. Analizom invazivnih svojti (IAS) utvrđeno je ukupno 12 svojti. During the vegetational seasons 2007 and 2008, the wider area of Marinci village in Hrvatsko zagorje has been floristically researched. The total of 293 vascular plants were found. Phytogeographical analysis showed that Euroasiatic floral element is predominant (34,83%), followed by widespread plants (25,17%), European floral element (11,03%), cultivated and adventive plants (7,93%), South European (7,59%), Circumholarctic (6,55%), Central European (3,79%), East European-Pontic (1,03%), Southeast European (1,03%) and Mediterranean floral element (1,03%). Acording to this analysis, wider area of Marinci village belongs to the Eurosiberian-Northamerican region of Holarctis. In the life form spectrum hemicriptophyta are dominant (52,05%), followed by therophyta (16,10%), geophyta (13,70%), phaneophyta (10,96%), nanophanerophyta (4,11%), chamaephyta (2,74%) and hydrophyta (0,34%). The results of this analysis confirms that the wider area of Marinci village belonges to the temperate warm humid climate. Analysis of the threatened taxa in Croatian flora showed that there were two vulnerable species (VU), two near threatened species (NT) and three least concern species (LC) noted. Analysis of the allochthonous flora showed that 5 archeophytes and 10 neophytes were present. Analysis of the invasive alien species (IAS) noted 12 plant species.
Databáze: OpenAIRE