First report of trh positive Vibrio alginolyticus isolates from bivalve molluscs in Turkey

Autor: Avsever, M. L.
Přispěvatelé: [Avsever, M. L.] Aksaray Univ, Eskil Vocat High Sch Lab & Vet Sci, Aksaray, Turkey
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: WOS: 000377772600003
Vibrio alginolyticus, commonly isolated from bivalve molluscs, can be an important food pathogen when in possession of thermostable direct hemolysin (tdh) ve tdh-related hemolysin (trh) genes. Forty six V. alginolyticus isolates from bivalve mollusc samples (wedge shell-Donax trunculus, L.1758, oyster-Ostrea edulis, L.1758, cockle-Venus verrucosa, L.1758, clam-Tapes decussatus, L.1758, bearded mussel-Modiolus barbatus, L.1758, Mediterranean mussel-Mytilus galloprovincialis, L.1819, striped venus-Chamelea gallina L.1753) taken from production stations for a Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae survey between 2007-2010 were used. Isolates were confirmed with PCR using primers specific to gyrB genes followed by the investigation of tdh, trh genes, urease activity and Kanagawa phenomenon (KP). The prevalence for these were found to be tdh (0%), trh (13.0%), urease (17.4%) and KP (17.4%). This study pioneered the demonstration of urease, KP and trh positive V. alginolyticus of bivalve molluscs in Turkey. Also, trh and tdh genes were more commonly reported in Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio cholerae; there were only a few reports of V. alginolyticus. The findings of this work were seen to be supportive of the existant but insufficient information about this subject.
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