Production and quality control of precast concrete elements

Autor: Hatić, Jan
Přispěvatelé: Klinc, Robert
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: V diplomski nalogi na kratko predstavimo zgodovino betona in zgodovino izdelave betonskih elementov. V prvem delu naloge je predstavljen postopek izdelave predizdelanih betonskih elementov - tehnologija izvedbe del. Preučili smo proces od tehnološke priprave in načrtovanja elementov do končnih izvedenih betonskih elementov. Za ta proces so potrebne velike tehnološke kapacitete in delovni kader, ki omogoča, da priprava opaža, armature in betona za produkte poteka nemoteno. Zaradi boljšega vpogleda v proces izdelave elementov smo obiskali enega od proizvodnih obratov v Sloveniji in na praktičnem primeru prikazali, kako se dela izvajajo. Sledi opis vseh korakov tehnologije izvedbe, vse do transporta in vgradnje elementov na gradbišču. Drugi del naloge se osredotoči na kontrolo kakovosti izdelave predizdelanih betonskih elementov, kar je ena od prednosti tovrstne izvedbe del. Pregledali smo, kako je potrebno v samem procesu priprave elementov kontrolirati kakovost izvedbe in kako se kasneje kontrolira izdelane končne produkte. Kontrola kakovosti sledi predpisanim standardom, ki smo jih za posamezne produkte tudi pregledali. V tem poglavju so zbrane informacije in izkušnje, pridobljene z opazovanjem dela v obiskanem proizvodnem obratu. Ponovno so prikazani koraki izvedbe elementov iz prvega dela naloge, tokrat s poudarkom na kontroli kakovosti. S tem je pripravljen pregled, na kaj vse je potrebno biti pozoren in kaj vse je potrebno nadzorovati v postopku izvedbe elementa, da je le ta pripravljen v skladu z zahtevami ter posledično primeren za vgradnjo in uporabo. This thesis gives a brief overview of the history of concrete and the history of the production of concrete elements. In the first part of the work, the process of making precast concrete elements is presented - the technology of performing the work. The process from the technological preparation and design of the elements to the finished precast concrete elements is examined. This process requires a large technological capacity and manpower to ensure that the preparation of formwork, reinforcement and concrete for the products runs smoothly. To gain a better insight into the process of manufacturing the elements, one of the production facilities in Slovenia was visited and a practical example was used to show how the work is carried out. Subsequently, all steps of the production technology up to the transport and installation of the elements on site are described. The second part of the thesis deals with quality control in the production of precast concrete elements, which is one of the advantages of this type of work. An overview is given of how the quality of workmanship must be controlled during the preparation of the elements and the subsequent inspection of the final manufactured products. Quality control is carried out according to the prescribed standards, which have also been reviewed for each product. This chapter summarises the information and experience gained during the observation of the work in the visited production facility. It repeats the steps of implementing the elements from the first part of the thesis, this time focusing on quality control. This gives an overview of what to look for and what needs to be checked during the production of the element to ensure that it meets the requirements and is therefore suitable for installation and use.
Databáze: OpenAIRE