Working Together at CDS: The Symbiosis Between Astronomers, Documentalists, and IT Specialists

Autor: Perret, E., Boch, T., Bonnarel, F., Caroline Bot, Buga, M., Brouty, M., Bruneau, C., Brunet, C., Cambrésy, L., Derrière, S., Eisele, A., Fernique, P., Genova, F., Guéhenneux, S., Landais, G., Lesteven, S., Loup, C., Neuville, M., Oberto, A., Ochsenbein, F., Ocvirk, P., Pineau, F. -X, Schaaff, A., Siebert, A., Simon, A. -C, Son, E., Vannier, P., Vollmer, B., Vonflie, P., Wenger, M., Woelfel, F.
Přispěvatelé: Lesteven, Soizick, András Holl, Soizick Lesteven, Dianne Dietrich, and Antonella Gasperini, Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg (ObAS), Université de Strasbourg (UNISTRA)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Institut national des sciences de l'Univers (INSU - CNRS), INAF, András Holl, Soizick Lesteven, Dianne Dietrich, and Antonella Gasperini
Zdroj: NASA Astrophysics Data System
ASP Conference Series
Library and Information Services in Astronomy VII:"Open Science at the Frontiers of Librarianship"
Library and Information Services in Astronomy VII:"Open Science at the Frontiers of Librarianship", INAF, Jun 2014, Naples, Italy. pp.13
Popis: International audience; Since the CDS (Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg) began a little more than forty years ago, astronomers, documentalists, and information technology (IT) specialists have been working together. The synergy between these three professional groups support the core of the work and is becoming more and more crucial with the increasing volume and complexity of data handled. The astronomers use their understanding of the subject and of users' needs to help to maintain the accuracy and the relevance of data. The computer engineers enhance these data by maintaining the database framework and continuing to add useful tools to retrieve and reuse this content. Finally, the documentalists, by definition, manage the content. They do so with the help of IT tools developed at CDS; they analyze the publications, extract the relevant information, verify the data, make comparisons with existing data, add the useful information in VizieR and SIMBAD, and confer with astronomers to make corrections, if needed. After an historical review of the evolution in data and the way data have been provided at CDS, we will further discuss the fundamental roles of the three professional groups to support the mission of the CDS.
Databáze: OpenAIRE