Determination of zinc copper and selenium in pseudograins and their physiological function

Autor: Vuković, Lucija
Přispěvatelé: Verbanac, Donatella
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Pseudožitarice su skupina namirnica visoke nutritivne vrijednosti. Od običnih žitarica ih razlikuje viši udio proteina povoljnijeg aminokiselinskog sastava, viši udio lipida te nešto niži udio ugljikohidrata, od kojih pretežito sadrže „nerazgradivi“ škrob s visokim udjelom amilopektina koji je jedan od najboljih prebiotika. Također su bogatije mikronutrijentima, posebno elementima u tragovima – cinkom, bakrom i selenom. Sadržaj pojedinih mikronutrijenata/elemenata u tragovima u ispitivanim pseudožitaricama (heljda, kvinoja, amarant i proso) određena je metodom induktivno spregnute plazme s masenom spektroskopijom (ICP-MS). Ti mikroelementi imaju nezamjenjive uloge u pravilnom funkcioniranju ljudskog organizma. Uključeni su u djelovanje imunološkog sustava, kofaktori su brojnih enzima, a djeluju i kao antioksidansi. Ipak, njihov deficit, kao i suvišak, mogu biti uzrok razvoja različitih patoloških stanja u organizmu. Pseudograins are a group of grains with a better nutritional profile then traditional grains such as corn, rice or wheat. They contain more protein with better amino acid composition, have higher lipid content and fewer carbohydrates, which mostly include resistant strach that is composed of a high percantage of amylopectin and serves as prebiotic. They also have better micronutrient composition, including trace elements – zinc, copper and selenium. They were determined in pseudograins (buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth and millet) by Inductive Coupled Plazma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) method. Zinc, copper and selenium have irreplaceable roles in the adequate function of human organism. They function as a part of immune system, work as cofactors of numerous enzymes and they are part of the antioxidant system. The deficit, as well as excess, can cause a lot of different pathological conditions in the organism.
Databáze: OpenAIRE