Homojusijanska teologija Bazilija iz Ankire

Autor: Drago Tukara
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Diacovensia : teološki prilozi
Volume 19
Issue 1
ISSN: 1330-2655
Popis: Članak je podijeljen u dva dijela. U prvomu dijelu nalazi se osoba Bazilija iz Ankire. Želi se istaknuti njegova važnost na užoj, ali i na široj razini teoloških događanja u svega desetak godina četvrtoga stoljeća. Nedvojbeno je da je Bazilije iz Ankire po svojoj intelektualnoj i teološkoj izobrazbi bio aktivni pokretač teoloških impostacija i istovremeno bio inicirajuća kapsula za daljnja promišljanja na području trinitarne teologije. Njegova pokretljivost i snalažljivost u tadašnjim političkim i religioznim okolnostima bila je dovoljan znak njegovim prijateljima i neistomišljenicima kako treba djelovati da bi se postigao cilj. U teološkim promišljanjima četvrtoga stoljeća i sam je Bazilije bio izazvan od drugih; našao se u situaciji da svoje teološko promišljanje mora postaviti kao reakciju na postojeće teološke postavke, bilo da su već definirane ili su bile na putu definiranja. Tako bi se moglo reći da on u jednom trenutku djeluje iz pozadine, ali postaje i glavnim nositeljem ideja homojusijanske teologije i tako postaje jaka oporbena reakcija drugima. U drugom dijelu autor stavlja naglasak na samu homojusijansku teologiju. Ova se teologija na neki način može nazvati „teologija srednjega puta“ koja po svojim izričajima ne spada u ortodoksnu teologiju niti u ekstremnu arijansku struju. Stoga je bilo potrebno izložiti osnovne teološke termine; njihovu sličnost i različitost. U članku dolaze do izražaja biblijski i izvanbiblijski argumenti u borbi definiranja odnosa Oca i Sina. Bazilije iz Ankire za svoju homojusijansku teologiju ipak više ističe one dokaze koji se nalaze u Svetomu pismu jer, shvaćajući ih u užem i doslovnom smislu, daju mu opravdane razloge za borbu protiv drugih. Autor članka iznosi stoga biblijske dokaze homojusijanske teologije.
The article is divided into two sections. The first section depicts the figure of Basil of Ancyra. The section is aimed at calling attention to his importance in all the different aspects of the events which occurred in the circles of theologians in merely one decade of the 4th century. It is an undisputed fact that, due to his intellectual and theological education, Basil of Ancyra was an active promoter of the theological impostations and, at the same time, the motivating force for further considerations related to Trinitarian theology. His agility and resourcefulness in given political and religious circumstances served as an appropriate sign to his friends and opponents on how to act to reach the goal. In theological thinking of the 4th century Basil himself was provoked by others; he would find himself in a situation where he had to use his theological viewpoint to react against the existing theological positions, either defined or in the process of being defined. Thus we can say that at one moment he is acting behind the scenes, but also becomes the most prominent figure of the ideas of the homoousios theology and accordingly a strong opponent to others. In the second section the author brings to light the very homoousios theology. This theology can also be called ‘theology of middle-ground approach’, which, according to its positions, neither belongs to orthodox theology, nor to the extreme Arian stream. Hence it was necessary to depict the basic theological terms; their similarity and difference. The article exposes the biblical and non-biblical arguments in the campaign to define the relationship between the Father and the Son. In his homoousios theology Basil of Ancyra gives emphasis to the arguments that can be found in the Holy Scripture, which, taken in their explicit or broader sense, provide him with the justified reasons to fight against the others. The author of the article thus reveals the biblical substantiation of the homoousios theology.
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