Water and Some Water-Connected Terms in Serbian Dialect Dictionaries

Jazyk: srbština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Aquatica : књижевност, култура
Popis: У тексту су представљене именичке и придевске лексеме изведене од именице вода или од придева воден, које су забележене у двадесет осам српских дијалекатских речника и збирки речи. Такође, представљени су и синтагматски спојеви, фразеологизми, пословице и веровања у којима је кључна реч – вода. This paper presents noun and adjective lexemes derived from the noun voda (water) or the adjective voden (watery), recorded in twenty eight Serbian dialect dictionaries and word collections. It also presents syntagmatic compounds, phraseologisms, proverbs and belief that share the key word – water. The noun lexeme voda (and its derivate, the adjective lexeme voden) enters various semantic-formative sequences, containing derivates of the same formative basis by means of different suffixes, including doublet (morpho)phonetic characters within the same sequence. The entities formed for this occasion, containing – both semantically and formatively – the key word voda, represent a singular testimony of what was important in the life of a community. The entities are the following: six semantic-formative sequences (a sort of juicy fruit, a shelf for water jugs, a water container for the whetstone during grass mowing, the work of a person charged with the supplying of water, a zoonym – water snake), the semantic scope of lexemes vodica and vodenjak, the semantic-derivative nest with the lexeme vodenica as the semantic center, adjective formations, constant syntagmatic compounds with the word voda, phraseological expressions and folk sayings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE