Stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of the upper Oxfordian-lower Tithonian in Rida (Zaragoza)

Autor: Bádenas, Beatriz, Aurell, Marc, Pérez Urresti, I., Delvene, G.
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 1997
Zdroj: Arias Montano. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Huelva
Popis: The Upper Jurassic of Rida consists of three depositional sequences. The HST of the lower one (Oxfordian Sequence) corresponds to the marls and marly limestone and sandstone of the lower part of the Sot de Chera Fm. The reported data and the correlation to proximaler areas of the basin allows to precise the age of the upper boundary of the sequence (topmost Planula Subbiozone,). The identification of an unconformity on top of the Rida Mb (middle part of the Loriguilla Fm) allows to differentiate two sequences (Kimmeridgian sequence-1 and Kimmeridgian sequence-2), in which the TST and the HST have been recognized. The age of the boundary between both sequences is located in the middle late Kimmeridgian
Databáze: OpenAIRE