Flora toka izvora Rumin Veliki i Rumin Mali (Dalmacija, Hrvatska)

Autor: Vladović, Dalibor, Ževrnja, Nediljko, Hruševar, Dario, Mekinić, Stjepan, Piasevoli, Gvido, Damjanović, Tija, Boban, Josip, Cvitanić, Ratko, Barbarić, Sanja
Přispěvatelé: Rešetnik, Ivana, Ljubešić, Zrinka
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2016
Popis: The area of karst springs Rumin Veliki and Rumin Mali, placed between Dinara and Kamešnica Mts, has been floristically researched during the years 2014. and 2015. The left and right banks of this two short watercourses, which are merging together and finally flow into the Cetina river, were also included in analysis and their plant diversity was observed. In total, 443 plant taxa were noticed. From that number, five taxa were already known (according to literature data) and 438 taxa were recorded for the first time. The paper contains analysis of floral elements and life forms of the researched area.
Databáze: OpenAIRE