Očuvanje i refirmacija Gidran pasmine konja u budućnosti

Autor: Ramljak, Jelena, Ivanković, Ante, Trogrlić, Josip
Přispěvatelé: EAAP scientific committee
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Croatia has a long tradition in horse breeding. In long-term, the preservation of native breeds is directed through process of reaffirmation like sporting activities, tourism and others programs. In Croatia one part of horse breeds arrived from neighbouring countries during migration or during the war, after which they are accepted as part of the tradition. Gidran is one of such breeds whose breeding lasts for two centuries and is related to the political turmoil, firstly, of Habsburg Empire, then Austro-Hungary and other neighbouring countries. At the end of the First and Second World War, number of Gidran horses has been drastically reduced and survival of the population in Croatia has come into question. At the beginning of 20th century reaffirmation of the breed began, primarily by formation of historical unit “Bjelovarski graničari – husari 1756“ which use only Gidran horse in the cavalry. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess the exterior of Gidran population in Croatia and compare it with the neighbouring population of Gidran horses (Hungary). Furthermore, second aim was providing guidance for the way of utilisation of Gidran breed in the future. A total of 31 breeding animals older than three year were measured and 10 body measurements were taken. Results of the performances at the National Championships in show jumping, dressage and endurance were obtained from the archives of Croatian Equestrian Federation. Statistical analysis was carried out using the SAS software package (SAS, 2008). Gidran population in Croatia show population homogeneity and uniformity as a result of good conduction of breeding program. It is well proportioned and compact breed. Compared to Hungarian Gidran population, Gidrans from Croatia have had slightly lower values for body measurements. In sport competitions Gidran horses are mostly represented in endurance. Furthermore, Gidran population in Croatia play important role in activities of social significance like traditional performances, events, and folklore manifestations. Population of Gidran horses also represent important genetic heritage thus collaboration at the international level is necessary. In that sense Gidran could be considered as transboundary breed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE