Lymphocytic adenohypophysitis simulating pituitary adenoma

Autor: Talan-Hranilović, J., Čupić, H., Gnjidić, Ž., Hat, J.
Přispěvatelé: Talan Hranilović, Jasna, Lechpammer, Mirna
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1998
Popis: Lymphocytic adenohypophysitis (LAH) is a rare autoimmune inflammatory process ofthe pituitary gland occurring predominantly during the peripartal period. LAH can cause pituitary expansion and hypopituitarism presenting with features suggestive of a pituitary adenoma.We report a case of a 39-year-old woman who developed bitemporal hemianopsia and artralgic pain in the small joints during the late stage of her second pregnancy. Five months after the delivery visual field defects withdrew, but serum hormone analysis revealed hypothyroidism and increased levels of PRL. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an intrasellar mass with suprasellar extension measuring I 6x I 2mm, that closely resembled pituitary adenoma. A transphenoidal approach was used to remove the patients' sellar lesion and all of the abnormal tissue was removed. Histopathological examination of the tumor showed an extensive mononuclear infiltration of the adenohypophysis tissue by plasma cells and lymphocytes forming follicles with germinal centers. Neurohypophysis was uninvolved, morphologically normaLThe immunoperoxidase technique showed difFuse presence of immunoreactive prolactin within surviving adenohypophysal cells. Immunohistochemistry revealed CD3 and CD8 positiveT cells at the periphery of lymphatic follicles and in the interfollicular areas. CD 20 positivity was observed in the follicular centers. Diffuse positivity for CD45 was observed throughout the lesion. Our data suggest that the disorder is related to cell-mediated immunity as well as humoral immunity.The question of surgical treatment, of this rare pathological entity, still remains open.
Databáze: OpenAIRE