Education for zero energy buildings using building information modelling

Autor: Milovanović, Bojan, Gaši, Mergim, Gumbarević, Sanjin, Bagarić, Marina
Přispěvatelé: Šajna, Aljoša, Legat, Andraž, Jordan, Sabina, Horvat, Petra, Kemperle, Ema, Dolenec, Sabina, Ljubešek, Metka, Michelizza, Matej
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: The construction industry across Europe is facing major challenges in achieving energy efficiency targets, in particular for Near Zero Energy Building (NZEB), but they are also experiencing a digital revolution, with Building Information Modelling (BIM). The Fit-to-NZEB, Net-UBIEP (Horizon 2020) and BIMzeED (Erasmus+) projects intend to improve the human-capital basis of the construction sector, which is identified as a strategic initiative by the European Commission, acting on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) systems in Europe. These projects support the construction industry, through education and training to upskill on technical innovation and digitalization. Not only is digitalisation trainings an important focus for the progression of the construction sector, but providing a low carbon efficient economy requires the integration of BIM with nZEB design and development approaches. At EU level, the challenge remains to introduce relevant standardised environmental and energy efficient learning topics into mainstream training and degree courses at HEIs & VETs. This paper analyses the current situation in the Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry in several EU countries and provides a possible solution for the abovementioned problems in the field of NZEBs and BIM. The analysis of current formal and informal educational programs in the AEC industry revealed that topics related to the deep energy renovation (DER) and NZEBs are not adequately covered, or not covered at all, resulting with a lack of qualified workers and professionals. Another major problem detected in the conventional project delivering is an absence of integrated or interdisciplinary approach between all the stakeholders. This paper will show how the competences of construction stakeholders in the field of NZEBs and BIM can be increased.
Databáze: OpenAIRE