Accumulation of Methylglyoxal in Anaerobically Grown Escherichia coliand Its Detoxification by Expression of the Pseudomonas putidaGlyoxalase I Gene

Autor: Zhu, Marie M., Skraly, Frank A., Cameron, Douglas C.
Zdroj: Metabolic Engineering; July 2001, Vol. 3 Issue: 3 p218-225, 8p
Abstrakt: Anaerobic glycerol fermentation by Escherichia colistrains expressing genes from the Klebsiella pneumoniae dharegulon showed that cell growth and 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD) production are significantly inhibited when 5g/L or higher of glycerol is initially present. One reason for this inhibition may be methylglyoxal (MG) accumulation. Assays of both intracellular and extracellular MG levels indicated an accumulation of MG in anaerobic glycerol fermentation of transgenic E. coli. Pseudomonas putidaglyoxalase I was expressed in the transgenic E. colito enhance MG detoxification. The activity of glyoxalase I in the transgenic E. coliwith the P. putidaglyoxalase I under anaerobic conditions was 12-fold higher than that in the control cells. Compared to the control cells, the transgenic cells with the P. putidaglyoxalase I displayed a reduction of 35–43% in intracellular MG and a decrease of 30% in extracellular MG. These decreases were statistically significant (P>94). Furthermore, the expression of the P. putidaglyoxalase I in the transgenic E. colimarkedly improved cell growth and resulted in a 50% increase in 1,3-PD production.
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