Effect of Nozzle Geometry on the Injection Characteristics of Liquid CO2as a Volatile Lubricant and Coolant for Aluminum Hot Stamping

Autor: Cai, Lihong, Kim, Jin-Cheol, Geng, Meiling, Tran, Van Loi, Kim, Dong, Hong, Sung-Tae
Zdroj: International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing - Green Technology; 20240101, Issue: Preprints p1-12, 12p
Abstrakt: As an effort to develop sustainable aluminum hot stamping with a concept of dry metal forming, the effects of nozzle geometry on the injection characteristics of liquid CO2as lubricant and coolant are investigated experimentally. Additive manufacturing (AM) with selective laser melting is utilized to fabricate sub-millimeter diameter injection nozzles with different geometries. The experimental results show that the injection characteristics of the liquid CO2depend strongly on the nozzle geometry. For the same outlet diameter of the nozzle (0.6 mm), a confusor nozzle performs better than diffuser or straight nozzles in terms of the spray contour and wetting area. Consequently, the confusor nozzle is clearly advantageous in quenching and lubrication. The confusor nozzle presents the highest cooling rate of 148 °C/s and the AMed die with confusor nozzles presents the lowest friction coefficient of 0.26. The present study confirms that the lubrication and cooling performances of the liquid CO2can be enhanced through a proper design of nozzle geometry.
Databáze: Supplemental Index