Tourism prospects and economic affluence of North-East India: a comparative study

Autor: Laskar, Najul, Debnath, Pranesh
Zdroj: International Journal of Business Excellence; 2024, Vol. 33 Issue: 1 p76-94, 19p
Abstrakt: This paper attempts to explore the association between economic prosperity and tourism development in the north east (NE) states during the financial year from 2011-2012 to 2017-2018. Considering the secondary data, the study observed that there are massive inequalities and volatility in economic growth among the NE states under consideration as compared to the national average measured through the gross domestic product. Analysis of tourists' influx statistics disclosed that tourists' arrival in Assam is highest, and it shares more than 66% of total tourists in the NE region during the study period whereas, the lowest in Nagaland, contributing less than 1%. Nevertheless, the compound annual growth rate of tourist arrival in the region, Arunachal Pradesh, shows the highest with 24.84%, which is above the average growth of the country and Mizoram (2.98% only) registered the lowest.
Databáze: Supplemental Index