Characteristics of industrial service ecosystem practices for industrial renewal

Autor: Nuutinen, Maaria, Valkokari, Katri, Halttunen, Maarit, Palomäki, Katariina
Zdroj: International Journal of Services Technology and Management; 2024, Vol. 29 Issue: 1 p76-96, 21p
Abstrakt: The emergence of service ecosystems can accelerate the industrial renewal required because of urgent global challenges. However, existing research has not sufficiently grasped the social dynamics of coevolution in ecosystems that enhance industrial renewal. This study aimed to advance ecosystem research through a practice lens and to present the key characteristics of industrial service ecosystem practice involved in industrial renewal. Consequently, its three characteristics - accomplishment, attractivenessand actionability- were configured based on an abductive study derived from the ecosystem literature, three practice-oriented approaches to learning, and two case ecosystem examinations. These features created the logic for resource integration and enhanced ecosystems to evolve as units, thus exceeding the actors' independent avenues of renewal. The findings of this study provided a deeper understanding of the coevolution in ecosystems needed to accelerate industrial renewal as well as a novel conceptualisation of an ecosystem-as-practicefor further studies.
Databáze: Supplemental Index