Biosynthesis of the beta-lactam antibiotic, thienamycin, by Streptomyces cattleya.

Autor: Williamson, J M, Inamine, E, Wilson, K E, Douglas, A W, Liesch, J M, Albers-Schönberg, G
Zdroj: Journal of Biological Chemistry; April 1985, Vol. 260 Issue: 8 p4637-4647, 11p
Abstrakt: Radioactive- and stable isotope-containing substrates were used to identify the biosynthetic precursors of the beta-lactam antibiotic, thienamycin, in Streptomyces cattleya. Acetate is utilized by the organism to form C(6) and C(7) of the beta-lactam ring. The two carbons of the hydroxyethyl group attached to C(6) are both derived from the methyl of methionine. The cysteaminyl side chain attached to C(2) is derived from cysteine. Selective inhibition of thienamycin and cephamycin C biosynthesis has been achieved either through the addition of metabolic inhibitors or through manipulation of the growth medium. These results suggest that the two beta-lactam antibiotics, thienamycin and cephamycin C, are formed by different biosynthetic pathways.
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