What percentage of AQP4-ab-negative NMOSD patients are MOG-ab positive? A study from the Argentinean multiple sclerosis registry (RelevarEM)

Autor: Contentti, Edgar Carnero, Lopez, Pablo A., Pettinicchi, Juan Pablo, Pappolla, Agustín, Miguez, Jimena, Patrucco, Liliana, Cristiano, Edgardo, Vrech, Carlos, Tkachuk, Verónica, Liwacki, Susana, Correale, Jorge, Marrodan, Mariano, Gaitán, María I., Fiol, Marcela, Negrotto, Laura, Ysrraelit, María C., Burgos, Marcos, Leguizamon, Felisa, Tavolini, Dario, Deri, Norma, Balbuena, Maria E., Mainella, Carolina, Luetic, Geraldine, Blaya, Patricio, Hryb, Javier, Menichini, María L., Pinheiro, Amelia Alvez, Nofal, Pedro, Zanga, Gisela, Barboza, Andrés, Martos, Ivan, Lazaro, Luciana, Alonso, Ricardo, Silva, Emanuel, Bestoso, Santiago, Fracaro, Maria E., Carrá, Adriana, Garcea, Orlando, Liguori, Nora Fernandez, Serena, Marina Alonso, Caride, Alejandro, Rojas, Juan I.
Zdroj: Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders; 20210101, Issue: Preprints
Abstrakt: •RelevarEM is the first nationwide MS and NMOSD registry in Argentina•Patients with phenotype of suspected NMOSD were evaluated•165 patients (79 AQP4-ab positive, 67 AQP4-ab negative and 19 unknown) were included•Of 67 AQP4-ab-negative patients, 36 (53.7%) were tested for MOG-ab.•27.7% (10/36) of the AQP4-ab-negative patients tested for MOG-ab were positive for this antibody
Databáze: Supplemental Index