Plasmon-enhanced magneto-optical detection of single-molecule magnetsElectronic supplementary information (ESI) available: Calculated absorption and scattering cross sections of nanodisks; calculated absorption and scattering cross sections; calculated near field maps; comparison of extinction of gold nanodisks with the real part of the dielectric function of TbPc2; fitting of optical spectra of TbPc2films on glass and on gold nanodisks; fitting of optical and magneto-optical spectra of gold nanodisks; optical spectra of the TbPc2film on detuned gold nanodisks; field dependence of the magneto-optical signal of gold nanodisks; calibration curve for TbPc2film thickness; AFM topography scan of gold nanodisks with TbPc2. Details on fitting procedures. Estimate of the limit of detection of TbPc2by using MCD measurements. See DOI: 10.1039/c8mh01548a

Autor: Pineider, Francesco, Pedrueza-Villalmanzo, Esteban, SerriPresent address: Italian Institute of Technology, Michele, Genoa, Italy., Adamu, Addis Mekonnen, Smetanina, Evgeniya, BonanniPresent address: Department of Physics, Valentina, Milan, University of, Milan, Italy., CampoPresent address: European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy, Giulio, Florence, University of, Sesto, Poggini, Lorenzo, Mannini, Matteo, de Julián Fernández, César, Sangregorio, Claudio, Gurioli, Massimo, Dmitriev, Alexandre, Sessoli, Roberta
Zdroj: Materials Horizons; 2019, Vol. 6 Issue: 6 p1148-1155, 8p
Abstrakt: Here we report on nanoarchitectures composed of molecular magnets deposited on optical nanoantennas. We demonstrate a significantly boosted magneto-optical detection of a thin film of a terbium(iii) bis-phthalocianinato (TbPc2) single-molecule magnet and we track down the origin of this enhancement to nanoantenna effects at the optical level. This finding suggests that the vast knowledge on plasmon-enhanced spectroscopies can be readily extended to magneto-optics, thus paving the way to strong magneto-optical enhancements for the readout of nanometric devices embedding single-molecule magnets.
Databáze: Supplemental Index