29Si-, 31P- und 13C-Kernresonanzuntersuchungen an N-silylierten Triorganophosphiniminen / Silicon-29, Phosphorus-31, and Carbon-13 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigations of N-Silylated Triorganophosphine Imines

Autor: Buchner, Wolfgang, Wolfsberger, Werner
Zdroj: Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B; September 1977, Vol. 32 Issue: 9 p967-974, 8p
Abstrakt: 29Si, 31P and, in part, 13C NMR data are reported for N-trimethylsilyl-triorganophosphine imines as well as some siliconsubstituted methoxy and chloro derivatives. The spin-spin splitting pattern of the 29Si{1H} spectra is discussed for disilanes of the type (RR′R″P=N-SiMe2-)2. A qualitative interpretation of 29Si chemical shifts is preferably being based on hyperconjugation rather than a (p-d)n bonding mechanism. The preparation of a series of bis(phosphinimino)silanes and 1,2-bis(phosphinimino)disilanes is described.
Databáze: Supplemental Index