Effects of Different Sr2+ Concentrations on Seedling Growth of Indica and Japonica Cultured by Hoagland Solution

Autor: Xiang, Xun Chao, Xu, Yan Fang, Long, Xiao Lin, Su, Wen Li
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research; May 2012, Vol. 524 Issue: 1 p2097-2100, 4p
Abstrakt: The paper studied capacity of Indica and Japonica in seedling for Sr2+ stress in different concentration. Seedlings of Indica and Japonica were cultured in 6 different gradient concentrations by using Hoagland solution. Fresh weight and dry weight, rice pigment content, enzyme activity for stress tolerance etc. were measured. The results showed that Sr2+ in low concentration could promote development and with high fresh/dry weight. At 10mmol/L of Sr2+ concentration, dry weight of Japonica Jing925 was increased by 27.40%, compared with control. However, Indica CG132R was only 7.8% over its control. Sr2+ of high concentration inhibited plant growth. They had higher chlorophyll content no matter Indica or Japonica when they were cultured in low Sr2+concentration. In contrast, their chlorophyll contents were decreased. Japonica had higher POD activity than Indica, and Indica had higher CAT activity than Japonica. All in all, Japonica Jing925 had stronger defense ability than Indica CG132R in adversity environment.
Databáze: Supplemental Index