Chemotyping of Three OcimumSpecies from Benin: O. basilicum, O. canumand O. gratissimum

Autor: Yayi, Eléonore, Moudachirou, Mansour, Chalchat, JeanClaude
Zdroj: Journal of Essential Oil Research; January 2001, Vol. 13 Issue: 1 p13-17, 5p
Abstrakt: AbstractWild and garden Ocimumspecies were collected from widely distributed locations in Benin. Samples of their essential oils obtained by hydrodistillation were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The results of the analysis showed variability of the chemical compositions of these oils. Three chemotypes of O. basilicumwere identified: a major methyl chavicol-rich type (>65%), a methyl chavicol (55%)—linalool (20–30%) type, and a linalool (42–45%) and eugenol (15%) type with or without trans-a-bergamotene (6–15%). Two chemotypes of O. canumwere found: a linalool-rich type (32–50%) and a terpinen-4-ol-rich type (25–53%). O. gratissimumcontained the combination thymol-p-cymene—y-terpinene in balanced proportions or with one component predominating. Although most of these types have already been reported in the literature, it is of note that the terpinen-4-ol type of O. canumappears to be specific to Benin.
Databáze: Supplemental Index