Abstrakt: |
The inhibition of acetylcholinesterase activity (AChE) in Moina macrocopa homogenized with sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate (DBSS), lead (Pb), crude oil (PO), and their mixtures was investigated. When the homogenized cladoceran were exposed to these compounds in vitro, AChE activity revealed that PO was the most potent anticholinesterase agent, followed by Mixture IV (DBSS-PO), Mixture I (DBSS), Mixture III (PO-DBSS), Pb, DBSS, and Mixture II (Pb-DBSS). All compounds and their mixtures caused inhibition of M. macrocopa homogenized cholinesterase. This bioassay technique seems to have considerable potential as a rapid, sensitive, and inexpensive procedure for hazard assessment and environmental evaluation. ©1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Environ Toxicol Water Qual 12: 211215, 1997 |