The occurrence of herbicide-resistant weeds worldwide Based on a presentation at the Conference ‘Resistance ’97—Integrated Approach to Combating Resistance’ organised by the Institute of Arable Crops Research in collaboration with the SCI Pesticide Group and the British Crop Protection Council and held at Harpenden, Herts, UK, on 14–16 April 1997.

Autor: Heap, Ian M.
Zdroj: Pesticide Science (now called Pest Management Science); November 1997, Vol. 51 Issue: 3 p235-243, 9p
Abstrakt: The 1995/6 International Survey of Herbicide-Resistant Weeds recorded 183 herbicide-resistant weed biotypes (124 different species) in 42 countries. The increase in the number of new herbicide-resistant weeds has remained relatively constant since 1978, at an average of nine new cases per year worldwide. Whilst 61 weed species have evolved resistance to triazine herbicides, this figure now only accounts for one-third of all documented herbicide-resistant biotypes. Triazine-resistant weeds have been controlled successfully in many countries by the use of alternative herbicides. Due to the economic importance of ALS and ACCase inhibitor herbicides worldwide, and the ease with which weeds have evolved resistance to them, it is likely that ALS and ACCase inhibitor-resistant weeds will present farmers with greater problems in the next five years than triazine-resistant weeds have caused in the past 25 years. Thirty-three weed species have evolved resistance to ALS-inhibitor herbicides in 11 countries. ALS-inhibitor-resistant weeds are most problematic in cereal, corn/soybean and rice production. Thirteen weed species have evolved resistance to ACCase inhibitors, also in 11 countries. ACCase inhibitor resistance in Lolium and Avena spp. threatens cereal production in Australia, Canada, Chile, France, South Africa, Spain, the United Kingdom and the USA. Fourteen weed species have evolved resistance to urea herbicides. Isoproturon-resistant Phalaris minor infesting wheat fields in North West India and chlorotoluron-resistant Alopecurus myosuroides in Europe are of significant economic importance. Although 27 weed species have evolved resistance to bipyridilium herbicides, and 14 weed species have evolved resistance to synthetic auxins, the area infested and the availability of alternative herbicides have kept their impact minimal. The lack of alternative herbicides to control weeds with multiple herbicide resistance, such as Lolium rigidum and Alopecurus myosuroides, makes these the most challenging resistance problems. The recent discovery of glyphosate-resistant Lolium rigidum in Australia is a timely reminder that sound herbicide-resistant management strategies will remain important after the widespread adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops. ©1997 SCI
Databáze: Supplemental Index