Assessment of three simple techniques for the screening of circulating immune complexes: Correlation with a parameter of complement consumption

Autor: Malaviya, A., Gupta, Naresh, Rajagopalan, Premavathy, Kumar, R.
Zdroj: Journal of Biosciences; December 1982, Vol. 4 Issue: 4 p481-489, 9p
Abstrakt: Abstract: The sera of 36 normal controls, 45 patients with various diseases and 11 pregnant women were screened for circulating immune complexes using three relatively simple and inexpensive techniques. These included inhibition of agglutination of IgG coated latex particles with a serum having rheumatoid factor activity, polyethylene glycol precipitation and anti-complementary activity test. The circulating immune complexes were detected in a significantly higher proportion of patients as compared to normal controls. In the patients, the presence of circulating immune complexes did not always correlate with clinically detectable immunoinflammatory tissue damage indicating that pathogenic as well as nonpathogenic immune complexes were being detected by the above mentioned techniques. The alpha-1-antitrypsin/C3 ratio, however, correlated well with clinically apparent immuno-inflammation.
Databáze: Supplemental Index