
Autor: Harting, P. N. U., van Spaendonck, C., van Dam, B. A. P., Praz, Mario, Beckwith, F., Rehabilite, Richardson, Falconer, J. A., Gallas, K. R., de Reul, Paul, Kooistra, J., Zandvoort, R. W., van der Gaaf, W., de Groot, H., Guittart, L. J., Malone, Kemp, van Hamel, A. G., Mansion, J., Ovaa, W. A., van Doorn, Willem, Hesseling, D. C., Serjeantson, Mary, van Helden, J. J.
Zdroj: English Studies; 1932, Vol. 14 Issue: 1-6 p22-238, 217p
Abstrakt: A Grammatical Miscellany, offered to Otto Jespersen on his Seventieth Birthday. Levin & Munksgaard, Copenhagen, 1930.Die Ausdrucke fur Arbeit und Beruf im Altenglischen. Von Arthur Szogs. Heidelberg, Carl Winter's Universitatsbuchhandlung. 1931. Pp. XV + 140. (Anglistische Forschungen, Heft 73).Erlauterungen und Textverbesserungen zu Vierzehn Dramen Shakespeares. Von Leon Kellner. Aus dem Nachlass herausgegeben von Walther Ebisch. Tauchnitz, Leipzig, 1931. Pp. xi + 354. Geh. M. 18, geb. M. 20.50.Thomas Heywood, Playwright and Miscellanist. By Arthur Melville Clark. Oxford, Blackwell, 1931, pp. xii — 356, £ 1/1/— net.Abraham Cowley, the Muse's Hannibal. By Arthur H. Nethercot. Oxford University Press; London, Milford, 1931, pp. xii — 367, ten plates, 12/6.L'Angleterre et la litterature anglaise dans les trois plus anciens periodiques francais de Hollande de 1684 a 1709. Par H. J. Reesink. Paris, Champion, 1931. pp. viii, 433; 4 plates.Samuel Richardson 1689-1761 Imprimeur de Londres Auteur de Pamela, Clarisse et Grandison. By Paul Dottin. xx + 521 pp. Perrin. Paris, 1931. Pr. 45 fr.Tennyson in France. By Marjorie Bowden. Publications of the University of Manchester, No. 203. Manchester, University Press, 1930. 166 p. 8s. 6d.The Works and Life of Christopher Marlowe. London, Methuen 6 Co. Vol. V, The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus, edited by F. S. Boas. 1932, pp. xi + 221, with three illustrations, price 8/6.Faust and Faustus, a study of Goethe's relation to Marlowe. By Otto Heller. St. Louis, 1931 (Washington University Studies-New' Series, Language and Literature no. 2), pp. 176, no price stated.Zum Problem der Ueberlieferung des Hamlet-Textes. Von Levin L. Schucking. Leipzig, Hirzel, 1931. Pp. 44. M. 1.55.Philosophical Poems of Henry More, comprising Psychozoia and Minor Poems. Edited with an introduction and notes, by Geoffrey Bullough. Manchester University Press, 1931 (Publications, No. CCIX, English Series No. XX (The Ward Bequest) ). Pp. xc + 250, with four illustrations, price 25 s. net.The Devil in Legend and Literature. By Maximilian Rudwin. Chicago-London, the Open Court Publishing Company, 1931. Pp. XVI—354, 18 illustrations, $ 3.Letters of Sarah Byng Osborn 1721-1773. With introduction and notes by John Mc Clelland. 1930. Stanford University Press. California, xix + 148 pp. Price $ 2.25.Walter Paters Beziehungen zur Franzosischen Litteratur und Kultur. Von A. Beyer. (Studien zur Englischen Philologie, LXXIII), 116 p. 80, Halle, Niemeyer, 1931. R.M. 4.50.Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. With an Introduction, Notes and a Glossary by John Matthews Manly, of the University of Chicago. xii + 721 pp. London, Harrap & Co. Ltd. No date (1928). 10/6 net.Poets in Brief. A series of Anthologies by F. L. Lucas. I: Alfred, Lord Tennyson. XXVI + 210 pp. II: Thomas Lovell Beddoes. XL + 172 pp. Cambridge University Press, 1932. 5/— net each volume.An English Grammar for Dutch Students. By E. Kruisinga. Vol. I. A Shorter Accidence and Syntax. 5th Edition. XV + 232 pp. Groningen, Noordhoff, 1932. f 3.60; cloth f 4.25.On the Syntax of the English Verb from Caxton to Dryden. By B. Trnka. (Travaux du cercle linguistique de Prague, 3). Prague 1930. Pp. 95. Price M. 4.Hamlet, a Study in Critical Method. By A. J. A. Waldock. Cambridge University Press, 1931. 99 pp. 5/— net.The Works of Sir Thomas Browne. Edited by Geoffrey Keynes. Volume Five. Miscellany Tracts, Repertorium, Miscellaneous Writings. Volume Six. Letters. London, Faber and Faber, 1931. Pp. XX + 473, and XI + 440.Le Chevalier Thomas Browne, medecin, styliste et metaphysicien. Par Olivier Leroy. Paris, Gamber, 1931, pp. XI + 422.Theory and Practice of English Narrative Verse since 1833, an Enquiry. Door Willem van Doorn. Amsterdam, N.V. De Arbeiderspers, 1932, pp. 249. (Academisch Proefschrift ter verkrijging van den graad van Doctor in de Letteren en Wijsbegeerte aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam).1Standard English Speech. A compendium of English phonetics for foreign students. By G. E. Fuhrken. Cambridge University Press. Crown 8 vo. pp. vii + 122. 5s. net. 1932.Beowulf, An Introduction to the Study of the Poem with a Discussion of the Stories of Offa and Finn. By R. W. Chambers. Second Edition. Cambridge, At the University Press, 1932. Pp. xvi + 565. 25s. net.Britannien und Bibeltext. Der Vulgatatext der Evangelien in seinem Verhaltnis zur irisch-angelsachsischen Kultur des Fruhmittelalters. Von H. Glunz. Leipzig, Tauchnitz, 1930. (Kolner Anglistische Arbeiten, 12). 187 pp. Pr. Mk. 16.—.Studies on English Place- and Personal Names. By Eilert Ekwall. (K. Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet i Lund Arsberattelse 1930-1931, I.) Lund, C. W. K. Gleerups Forlag. 1931. — 110 pp.Chaucer. By G. K. Chesterton. London, Faber & Faber, 1932. pp. 302, 12/6 net.Chaucer, ses modeles, ses sources, sa religion. Par le Chanoine Looten. Lille, A l'Economat des Facultes Catholiques, 1932 (Memoires et Travaux publies par des Professeurs des Facultes Catholiques de Lille), pp. 253, 30 fr.The Rossetti Family. By Ross D. Waller. Manchester University Press, 1932, XII + 324 pp. 10/6 net.Shakespeare und Montaigne, ein Beitrag zur Hamlet-Frage. Von Susanne Turck. 160 pp. Berlin, Junker und Dunnhaupt, 1930.Abraham Cowley's Reputation in England. By Jean Loiseau. Paris, Didier, 1931. Pp. xvii — 715. (No price stated).Abraham Cowley's Reputation in England. By Jean Loiseau. Paris. Didier, 1931. Pp. x—221. (No price stated).Kotzebue — A Survey of his Progress in France and England. By L. F. Thompson, M. A., L. L. B. Tome 51. Bibliotheque de la Revue de Litterature Comparee. Paris, 1928. 174 pp.A Victorian ClassicCulture and Anarchy. By Matthew Arnold. Edited with an Introduction by J. Dover Wilson, Litt. D. 1932. (Landmarks in the History of Education Series). Cambridge University Press. xl + 241 pp. Price 6/—.A Heterogeneous BatchLyrical Poetry from Blake to Hardy. By H. J. C. Grierson.Phases of English Poetry. By Herbert Read.Nature in English Literature. By Edmund Blunden.Notes on English Verse Satire. By Humbert Wolfe.Resp. nrs. 5, 7, 9 and 10 of the Hogarth Lectures on Literature Series. Published by Leonard & Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 52 Tavistock Square, London. W. C. I. — 1928 and 1929. — 3/6 each.Tweetalig Woordeboek, Engels-Afrikaans, deur Prof. Dr. D. B. Bosman, I. W. v. D. Merwe, M. A. en ander. Nasionale Pers, Beperk, Kaapstad, Stellenbosch en Bloemfontein, 1931. Prijs 12/6.On the Origin of the Gerund in English. Phonology. By George Ch. van Langenhove. pp. xxviii, 132. Universite de Gand (Recueil de Travaux publies par la Faculte de Philosophie et Lettres). Gand: van Rysselberghe and Rombaut; Paris: Champion. 1925.1On the Language of Robert Bridges' Poetry. By Tatsu Sasaki. 106 pp. Tokyo, Kenkyusha, 1930. (No price stated.)
Databáze: Supplemental Index