
Autor: Pompen, Fr., Maanen, W. v., JLz, J. Prinsen, Vernhout, Ir., Kranendonk, A. G. v., van Doorn, Willem, Kruisinga, E., Kern, J. H., Cardozo, J. L., van der Gaaf, W., van Dongen, W. A., Zandvoort, R. W., van der Wey, C. J.
Zdroj: English Studies; 1921, Vol. 3 Issue: 1-6 p15-191, 177p
Abstrakt: The Percy Reprints, ed. by H. F. B. Brett-Smith. — No. 1. The Unfortunate Traveller, by Thomas Nashe. — No. 2. Gammer Gurtons Needle, by Mr. S. Mr. of Art. [5/— and 4/6 resp.]A Tale of a Tub, to Which is added The Battle of the Books and the Mechanical Operation of the Spirit. By Jonathan Swift. Edited with an Introduction and Notes Historical and Explanatory by A. C. Guthkelch and D. Nichol Smith. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1920. 24/—.The Historical Sources of Defoe's Journal of the Plague Year. By Watson Nicholson Ph. D. 1919. Boston, Mass. The Stratford Co. $ 2.—Daniel Webb. Ein Beitrag zur Englischen Aesthetik des acht-zehnten Jahrhunderts. Mit einem Abdruck der Remarks on the Beauties of Poetry (1762) und einem Titelkupfer. Von Hans Hecht, Professor an der Universitat Basel. Hamburg, Henri Grand, 1920. M. 10.—.Little Essays, drawn from the writings of George Santayana, by Logan Pearsal Smith, with the collaboration of the author. XI+ 290 pp. Constable, 1920. 12/6 net.The Captives. A Novel in Four Parts. By Hugh Walpole. 470 pp. Macmillan & Co., London, 1920. 7/6 net.A Doubtful Guide.An English Course for Schools, by S. P. B. Mais, Assistant Master at Tonbridge School and Examiner in English to the University of London. — Grant Richards, 1920. — 6/—. Sec. Ed.Books and their Writers, by S. P. B. Mais, Author of “From Shakespeare to O. Henry”;. — Grant Richards, 1920. — 7/6.A Contribution to an Essex Dialect Dictionary. By Edward Gepp, M. A. London. Routledge. 1920. 5/—net.The Year-Book of Modern Languages, 1920. Edited for the Council of the Modern Language Association by Gilbert Water-house, Litt. D., Professor of German in the University of Dublin. Cambridge University Press, 1920. 15/— net.The Sounds of Standard English. By T. Nicklin, M.A. Oxford, Clarendon Press. 1920. 3/— net.Negation in English and Other Languages. By O. Jespersen. Copenhagen, 1917.Studies of Contemporary Poets. By Mary C. Sturgeon. Harrap, 1920. 7/6 net.The Characters of the English Verb and the Expanded Form. By H. Poutsma. Noordhoff, Groningen, 1921. / 3.25.Philip Massinger.Philip Massinger by A. H. Cruickshank, M. A. (Professor of Greek in the University of Durham) ; A Critical Study: with Portrait and Facsimiles. — Oxford, Blackwell, 1920.— 15/— net.Spanien und das elisabethanische Drama, von Dr. Rudolf Grossmann. — Hamburg, Friederichsen. 1920.— 18 Mrk.The Chapbook, A Monthly Miscellany. Published by the Poetry Bookshop. Numbers 15—21; 1/6 each.Die Beowulf Handschrift. Von Max Forster. Leipzig, Teubner, 1919 (= Berichte uber die Verhandlungen der Sachsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Leipzig, Philol.-histor. Kl. 71. Bd., 4. Heft).The Story of Our Mutual Friend, transcribed into Phonetic Notation, from the Work of Charles Dickens, by C. M. Rice, M. A. A. R. C. M. Part I. Cambridge, W. Heffer & Sons Ltd. 1920. Price 5/.Selections from Early Middle English. By Joseph Hall. (1130-1250). Clarendon Press. Crown 8V°. Part I: Text, 7/6 net; Part II: Notes, 15/— net; the two parts together 21/— net.Readings in English Social History from Contemporary Literature. Edited by R. B. Morgan, M. Litt., Inspector of Schools to the Croydon Education Committee. Cambridge University Press. 1921. Vol. 1 (From Pre-Roman days to 1272), Vol. II (1272-1485). 4/— net each.Manual of Modern Scots. By W. Grant and J. Main Dixon. Cambridge University Press. 1921. 20/— net.Exercises in English Pronunciation, by M. L. Annakin, B. A. Halle, Max Niemeyer, 1920. (Date of Preface, Dec. 1913).The Pronunciation of English Words derived from the Latin. By John Sargeaunt. With Preface and Notes by H. Bradley. Correspondence & Miscellaneous Notes. S. P. E. Tract IV. Clarendon Press, 1920. 2/6 net.The Englishing of French Words. By Brander Matthews. — The Dialectal Words in Blunden's Poems, etc. By Robert Bridges. S. P. E. Tract V. Clarendon Press, 1921. 2/6 net.From the Log of the Velsa by Arnold Bennett. With a frontispiece by the Author and many Illustrations by E. A. Rickards. London, Chatto & Windus. 1920. 18/— net.Methods and Materials of Literary Criticism: Lyric, Epic, and Allied Forms of Poetry. By Charles M. Gayley and Benjamin P. Kurtz. — Ginn, 1920. 3 dollars.On the Art of Reading. By Sir Arthur Quiller Couch. Cambridge University Press, 1920. pp. VII + 237. 15 sh.New Numbers of the 'World's Classics'.228. Selected English Short Stories. Second Series (XIX and XX Centuries) Humphrey Milford, Oxford University Press. IX + 483 pp. 2 s. 6 d.219, 220. English Prose, chosen and arranged by W. Peacock. 1921. Vol. I. Wycliffe to Clarendon, pp. XV + 590 2 s. 6 d. Vol. II Milton to Gray. pp. XI + 593 2 s. 6d.Two Plays from the Perse School. Cambridge: W. Heffer & Sons Ltd., 1921. 3/6 net.La Pensee de Milton. Par Denis Saurat, Docteur es lettres, Professeur agrege d'anglais au Lycee de Bordeaux. Bibliotheque de Philologie et de Litterature modernes. Librairie Felix Alcan. 1920. 363 pp. 20 francs + 20 % majoration provisoire.A Note on the Teaching of 'English Language and Literature', with some Suggestions. By R. B. McKerrow, Litt. D. English Association Pamphlet no. 49. 1921. 1/— net.Essays and Studies by Members of the English Association. Volume VI. Oxford. Clarendon Press. 1920.
Databáze: Supplemental Index