Allylic Functionalization of 2,5- and 2,4-Cyclo-Hexadiene-1,3-Dicarboxylates

Autor: Seneci§, Pierfausto, Caspani, Marco, Monti$, Federica, Carrano, Lucia, Lociuro§, Sergio
Zdroj: Synthetic Communications; June 1998, Vol. 28 Issue: 11 p2097-2023
Abstrakt: AbstractA series of 2,4- and 2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,3-dicarboxylates were functionalized at the allylic position via oxidation (SeO2, PDC/t-BuOOH) and halogenation (NBS). The regiochemical outcome for different substrates and reactions was studied and the importance of factors such as reaction mechanism, steric hindrance and reaction intermediates stability was discussed.§Present address: GlaxoWellcomc Medicines Research Centre, Via Fleming 4, Verona, Italy$Present Address: Hoechst Marion Roussel, Paris, France
Databáze: Supplemental Index