Self-adhesive Resin Cements: A New Perspective in Luting Technology.

Autor: Makkar, Sumit, Malhotra, Neeraj
Zdroj: Dental Update; Nov2013, Vol. 40 Issue 9, p758-768, 7p
Abstrakt: Many materials are available for the fabrication of indirect restorations such as, metal alloys, resin-based composites and ceramics. Resin cements have long been valued as luting agents for indirect restorations because of their high retentive strength, resistance to wear, and low solubility. However, one of the common discouraging factors regarding their chairside use is the need of multiple-steps (etching, drying, priming and luting) for bonding. Thus the current impetus is towards the use of self-adhesive cements that require no etching, priming or bonding agents to bond to the tooth surface. Their increased popularity can be judged by the commercial availability of more than a dozen self-adhesive resin products/brands, in a short span of time. This article reviews the composition, physical and biological properties, adhesion characteristics and clinical performance of self-adhesive (resin) cements. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Supplemental Index