Trends in alcohol-attributable hospitalisation in the Northern Territory, 1998-99 to 2008-09.

Autor: Shu Qin Li, Pircher, Sabine L. M., Guthridge, Steven L.
Zdroj: Medical Journal of Australia; 9/17/2012, Vol. 197 Issue 6, p341-344, 4p
Abstrakt: The article discusses a study on the trends in hospitalisation for alcohol-attributable conditions in the Northern Territory (NT) aboriginal and non-aboriginal populations between 1998-1999 and 2008-2009, conducted by Shu Qin Li et al. The research determined that the annual rates of hospitalisation for alcohol-attributable conditions in NT rose from 291.3 to 460 per 10,000 population among aboriginal males and from 181.8 to 387.4 per 10,000 among aboriginal females over the study period.
Databáze: Supplemental Index