US Africa Command: A More »Active« American Approach to Addressing African Security Challenges?

Zdroj: International Politics & Society (Verlag J.H.W. Dietz Nachfolger GmbH); 2009, Issue 1, p59-73, 15p
Abstrakt: In February 2007, the Bush Administration announced its intention to create a new unified combatant command, Africa Command or AFRICOM, to promote US national security objectives in Africa and in its surrounding waters. Created in part to address concerns over the administrative division of responsibility for US military efforts and engagement in Africa, AFRICOM'S establishment also reflects an evolution in perceptions of US strategic interests in Africa. US military focus on the continent has been sporadic. The 1998 embassy bombings in East Africa are considered by many analysts to be a turning point in US strategic policy toward the region. US security strategy toward Africa now appears to be focused on protecting trade interests, reducing armed conflict, and countering proliferation and terrorism. The lasting premise behind AFRICOM'S establishment, according to its creators, is that stable and secure states would be more capable of deterring terrorism, proliferation, and crime. Building partnership capacity is a key component of this approach, and has been at the forefront of US military strategy in Africa in recent years. To what extent do US goals and proposals for security engagement coincide with African security priorities? African perceptions of the new command have been mixed. Some worry that the move represents a neo-colonial effort to dominate the region militarily. Many Africans view US counter-terrorism efforts in Africa with skepticism, and there appears to be a widespread belief that the new command's primary goals will be to hunt terrorists and to secure US access to African oil. Some Africans also question whether AFRICOM might be part of a new contest between the United States and China for influence on the continent. However, some African governments have reacted to AFRICOM with cautious optimism and have advised the United States to consider how AFRICOM could complement the AU'S proposed standby peacekeeping force. AFRICOM'S ability to address the concerns of its African partners within the context of its operations will be critical to its ability to contribute to efforts to promote peace and stability on the continent. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
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