BOREAS in 1997: Experiment overview, scientific results, and future directions.

Autor: Sellers, Piers J., Hall, Forrest G., Kelly, Robert D., Black, Andrew, Baldocchi, Dennis, Berry, Joe, Ryan, Michael, Ranson, K. Jon, Crill, Patrick M., Lettenmaier, Dennis P., Margolis, Hank, Cihlar, Josef, Newcomer, Jeffrey, Fitzjarrald, David, Jarvis, Paul G., Gower, Stith T., Halliwell, David, Williams, Darrel, Goodison, Barry, Wickland, Diane E.
Zdroj: Journal of Geophysical Research. Atmospheres; 1997, Vol. 102 Issue D24, p28731-28769, 39p
Databáze: Complementary Index