A microscopic study of the effect of γ-radiation on PbMnSe epitaxial films.

Autor: Nuriev, I., Mamishova, R., Gadzhieva, N., Ramazanov, M., Sadygov, R.
Zdroj: Surface Engineering & Applied Electrochemistry; Feb2013, Vol. 49 Issue 1, p45-50, 6p
Abstrakt: The surface morphology of n- and p-type epitaxial films of lead manganese selenide (PbMnSe ( x = 0.01)) on barium fluoride substrates of the (111) orientation in the initial state and after exposure to gamma-radiation is studied by atomic force microscopy. It is shown that the surface relief undergoes modification in the absorbed dose region of 5 ≤ D ≤ 35 kGy. The p⇔ n conductivity inversion at 10 ≤ D ≤ 25 kGy is found from the characteristics of the surface structures and confirmed by the electrophysical measurements. It is revealed that the radiation resistance of these films is violated at a dose above 35 kGy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index