Fertilization and early embryology: Non-enzymatic formation of formaldehyde in mouse oocyte freezing mixtures.

Autor: Karran, Glenys, Legge, Michael
Zdroj: Human Reproduction; Dec1996, Vol. 11 Issue 12, p2681-2686, 6p
Abstrakt: Three cryoprotectant solvents, dimethylsulphoxide, 1,2-propanediol and glycerol, were investigated for a non-enzymatic reaction product, formaldehyde. All three cryoprotectants demonstrated a direct relationship between increasing solvent molarity and increasing formaldehyde concentration which was independent of temperature and protein (bovine serum albumin). Medium composition significantly influenced the formaldehyde concentration with HTF ≥ T6 ≥ M16 = M2. The formaldehyde could be effectively removed by reduced glutathione, cysteine and dithiothreitol with cysteine being the most effective scavenging agent A reaction mechanism for this scavenging is proposed. The combination of cysteine and cryoprotectant reduced the zona pellucida ‘hardening’ effect in mouse oocytes. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
Databáze: Complementary Index