Energy distribution of negative O- and OH- ions emitted from YBaCuO and iron garnet targets by dc and rf magnetron sputtering.

Autor: Krumme, Jens-Peter, Hack, Ron A. A., Raaijmakers, Ivo J. M. M.
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Physics; 12/1/1991, Vol. 70 Issue 11, p6743, 14p, 3 Diagrams, 4 Charts, 10 Graphs
Abstrakt: Presents a study that analyzed the energy distribution of oxygen and hydroxide ions ejected from yttrium-barrium-copper-oxide films and iron garnet targets using energy dispersive mass spectrometry. Methodology; Comparison between the ion energy and the cathode potential; Examination of the target processes in the samples.
Databáze: Complementary Index