Comparison between bulk and nanoscale copper-silicide: Experimental studies on the crystallography, chemical, and oxidation of copper-silicide nanowires on Si(001).

Autor: Ng, P. K., Fisher, B., Low, K. B., Joshi-Imre, A., Bode, M., Lilley, C. M.
Zdroj: Journal of Applied Physics; May2012, Vol. 111 Issue 10, p104301, 7p
Abstrakt: Self-assembled copper-silicide (Cu-Si) nanowires were prepared by the evaporation of Cu onto Si(001) under high vacuum conditions. The Cu-Si nanowires were studied in situ by scanning electron microscopy. Crystallographic, structural, and chemical properties of the nanowires were investigated by transmission electron microscopy at cross-sections of these nanowires fabricated by focused ion beam. In addition, chemical of nanowires were also studied by scanning transmission electron microscopy. The morphology of Cu-Si nanowires due to oxidation at ambient conditions was investigated as well. Experimental results obtained from the Cu-Si nanowires were compared to bulk data reported previously by other authors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Databáze: Complementary Index